
This website is designed for general information purposes only. Information within this site may change at any time and Asena Family Office Pty Ltd does not guarantee the content for any other purpose than that of general personal information.

Additional partners, parties or external references are there for guidance purposes and are in no way held responsible by Asena Family Office Pty Ltd.

By visiting this website you recognise that any information used will be solely at your own risk and no responsibility will be taken by Asena Family Office Pty Ltd for actions thereafter.

Full license information

Licencing: Asena Family Office holds an Australian Financial Service Licence (AFSL No. 412146) and is authorised and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). The Group holds a Tax Agents Licence issued by the Tax Practitioners Board and must comply with the Federal Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (TASA), including the Code of Professional Conduct (Code). The Group also holds a Public Practising Certificate from both CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, including the Code of Professional Conduct (Code).